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Our Story

The first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rainier Cemetery District was held on April 28, 1950 for the purpose of organizing. At that time it was decided that Herb Hudson would be chairman and Harvey Parcher be treasurer with Stella Newland as secretery. The new Cemetery District's first budget was approved at a special meeting held July 14, 1950 for a period ending on June 30, 1951. The first cemeteries to become part of the District were Knights of Pythias; which was puchased from the City of Rainier for $1.00; And Green Mountain which was purchased from George Richardson and Don and Jean Parcher for $800. These purchases were finalized by October 7, 1950. At a regular meeting held April 7, 1951; Harvey Parcher reported that Woodbine Cemetery Association had voted that same day to turn it's property and a lawn mower over to the District any time after May 1, 1951. Over the next eleven years, six more cemeteries within Columbia County would become part of the Rainier Cemetery District; with Mayger Cemetery on April 7, 1952; Neer City and Kobel Cemeteries on May 21, 1958; Apiary Cemetery on January 25, 1961 and Stewart Creek Cemetery on August 3, 1961. 

On October 15, 1964 the land accross from Woodbine Cemetery was pruchased from Frank Rinck that would later become Hudson Cemetery.

With these nine cemeteries the Rainier Cemetery Distirct carried on until July 1, 2012 when the three cemeteries in Clatskanie; Murray Hill, Maplewood and Cedar Hill or Bryant Cemeteries were annexed into the Distirct.


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